Chinese Biogas Manual

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This manual has been translated virtually verbatim from the Chinese. It conveys not just the substance but the tone of Chinese technical education for rural areas. A decisive feature of China’s technical education is that it encourages people to assimilate and modulate technology to their own needs - the result is that people develop themselves. One of China’s recent achievements has been the production of biogas from agricultural wastes. This practice is based upon an age-old Chinese tradition of composting human, animal and plant wastes to produce an organic fertilizer of high quality.

The details..

'A Chinese Biogas Manual' is an essential read for anyone interested in sustainable energy production methods. The book details how agricultural wastes can be used to produce methane gas through fermentation in an airtight container. This process has become a controlled method of waste disposal and recycling resources while supplying energy and fertilizer to improve rural health.

The manual describes how approximately seven million biogas pits are already operational across China with Sichuan province leading the way in extending this practice throughout its countryside. Readers will find detailed information on designing and constructing various types of circular or rectangular shaped pit using materials such as round stone slabs, triple concrete bricks or hewn stones depending on soil type.

In addition to construction guidelines, readers will learn about necessary conditions for fermentation including preparation time taken during construction phase along with common causes and locations of water leakages that could affect pit performance over time. There's also advice on safe usage practices when cooking or lighting up homes using biogas fuel.

Overall 'A Chinese Biogas Manual' offers practical insights into producing renewable energy from organic matter while improving sanitation standards within rural communities across China.

Resource Info

Page count: 136
Size: 12316kb
File Type: pdf


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